A pinch of this. A dash of that. And a whole lot of DIY. This is my journey. A chronicle of my adventures (and misadventures) with do-it-yourself projects, simple recipes and experiences surviving parenting and adulting.
Join me for the good, the bad, and the ‘nailed it!’ moments along the way.
Liquid Pouring Tutorial Series Part 2: Tips for Acrylic Liquid Pour
If you caught the first part of the Liquid Pouring Tutorial Series, welcome back. If you missed it, check out Liquid Pouring Tutorial Series Part 1: Getting Started. Whether you are just getting started with Acrylic…
Read MoreSick Day Survival Crafts: Painting
Sick Day Survivors Log: Day 5 After four consecutive days of excess screen time and couch naps thanks to a 102 to 104 fever, a new fever has set in. I’m thrilled my little guy is…
Read MoreLiquid Pouring Tutorial Series Part 1: Getting Started
I’ve had many questions and a lot of great feedback on my post about Dirty Pour acrylic painting. While I have quite a bit of experience with acrylic paint and I’ve played with the dirty pour…
Read MoreExcitement and exploration. Chaos and confusion. Whisk and wander.
Hurry up and wait. My life in a nutshell. And the concept behind Rush & Ramble.
Whether you're looking to spend some time with a DIY project or buy something already made, I've got you covered. In additions to projects, crafts and kid-friendly activities, I'll be sharing my thoughts, experiences and experiments along the way.