Dilute When Necessary
Some essential oils may be considered “hot”. What this means is, when applied to the skin, they can cause a hot or burning sensation. Young Living recommends using a patch test prior to first use. If you experience a hot or burning sensation, add carrier oils to the affected area as often as needed. DO NOT try to wash the essential oil off with water. This will cause the sensation to get stronger.
Less is More
Young Living essential oils are very potent and powerful. In most cases, 1 to 2 drops are adequate and using more may waste product. Depending on the essential oil, you can gradually build up to 3 to 4 uses per day if desired. Excessive use of essential oils may increase the risk for adverse reaction. Proper usage is indicated on the label of each essential oil and additional information can be found in the Essential Oil Desk or Pocket Reference.
Avoid Contact with Sensitive Areas
In almost all cases, you should avoid contact with sensitive areas such as eyes, ears, genitals, and mucous membranes. If you choose to use essential oils in any sensitive area, dilute 1 drop of essential oil in at least 5 to 10 drops of carrier oil. DO NOT drop essential oils directly into the ears. If you get essential oils in your eye, do not rinse with water. Instead, apply a carrier oil directly to your eye.
Citrus and Sunlight
Some essential oils, especially citrus oils, contain natural molecules that react with UV light (sunlight) and cause a sensitivity reaction. All Young Living Essential Oils and Oil Blends that contain these compounds are labeled with a warning to avoid UV/sunlight for 12 to 48 hours after applying. Young Living beauty and cosmetic products are formulated to remove sun-sensitizing agents to reduce the risk of sun sensitivity.
Pregnancy and Nursing
As with any medical condition, it is strongly recommended that, prior to use of essential oils, you seek the advice of a competent, trained, and trusted health care provider. In this case, one who is experience in essential oil usage. It is generally recommended to avoid overuse or excessive use of Clary sage, sage, tansy, hyssop, fennel, and wintergreen as well as blends and supplements that contain these oils. Please note this is not an all inclusive list and there are resources available to guide you in using essential oils during pregnancy, including lists of essential oils that are generally regarded as safe during pregnancy.
Essential Oils and Children
Many essential oils are considered appropriate for use with children, though most should be diluted prior to use. Some Young Living products are pre-diluted with carrier oil as indicated on the product label. Some blends are even specifically formulated for direct application on children. Please refer to product descriptions or check with your enroller for more information.
Medical Conditions
If you have a disease or medical condition, or is you are using prescription medication, it is recommended that you consult with a health advisor who has experience with essential oils prior to using essential oils. Seek the advice of the prescribing physician and a pharmacist about potential interaction between medication(s) and the essential oil(s).
I am not a doctor so I’m not going to give you medical advice. When it comes to questions like this, it typically boils down to what you feel comfortable with and if you have questions specific to your medical condition or any medications you are taking you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist. They will be able to discuss, in detail, any concerns you have and if there are any concerns about drug interactions.